On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 02:44:42PM +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
> Hi,
> >   6.2. Composition
> > 
> >     1. The Technical Committee consists of up to 8 Developers, and should
> >        usually have at least 4 members.
> >     2. When there are fewer than 8 members the Technical Committee may
> >        recommend new member(s) to the Project Leader, who may choose
> >        (individually) to appoint them or not.
> >     3. When there are 5 members or fewer the Technical Committee may
> >        appoint new member(s) until the number of members reaches 6.
> >     4. When there have been 5 members or fewer for at least one week the
> >        Project Leader may appoint new member(s) until the number of
> >        members reaches 6, at intervals of at least one week per
> >        appointment.
> Why not avoid the casting vote problem by stipulating that the number
> of members should always be an odd number.

The problem with that is that if an odd number of members recuse
themselves because they feel that they are involved somehow and wouldn't
be able to vote fairly, you again have an even number.

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