On Sat, 22 Nov 2014 12:35:28 +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli <z...@debian.org> said:


> For reference, I'm attaching the current version of the 2-S GR text.
> I'm still waiting to see if people object to that idea, but the only
> remaining change I'd like to apply to that proposal is to remove the
> transitional measure, on the basis of the fact that we've already had
> quite a bit of churn in the CTTE due to recent events.

For the record, I added the transitional measure for easier comparison
with the other methods, but other than that, due to the amount churn
that we've already had, I have no opinion as to whether it should be
there or not, as I mentioned in another email.

Hubert Chathi <uho...@debian.org> -- Jabber: hub...@uhoreg.ca
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