On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 09:47:02PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Neil McGovern <ne...@debian.org> [2015-03-13 19:44 +0100]:
> > * Meetings. Sprints are great, and it's fantastic to see those
> > being promoted for DebCamp. Our main conference each year is
> > DebConf, and I would be happy to provide the float so that people
> > can get travel sponsorship (for example) confirmed earlier.
> How are you going to finance this sustainably?

See my other answer in this thread to Stefano, but basically Debian
would be the guaruntor for the money, but would still expect fundraising
to take place.

However, I'll also hijack this subthread to run a bit of analysis.
From 2013-08-01 [0] to 31-01-2015, looking just at SPI, and ignoring the
DebConf earmark;

Income: ~130k USD (Though 56.5k was actually from DebConf 13)
Cost of sales: 4.1k USD (Processing fees etc)
Authorised expenditure: 48.7k
Surplus: ~77k

Assuming we simply take the 56.5k and earmark it as a float for
DebConfs, then we still have a surplus there that hasn't been spent.

However, let me be clear: I intend on spending /more/ than that surplus.
I would like our reserves to be at a lower level than they are now.


[0] Earlier than this, and I'd need to dig out mail archives

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