While checking all requisites are met, I found I mis-counted for my
CfV, mixing together Iain's original and reformed proposal. It
currently has four seconders only, so in order to have the three
presented options in the ballot:

> ========================================================================
> Title: debian-private shall remain private
> The text of the GR is replaced with the following.
>   1. The 2005 General Resolution titled "Declassification of
>      debian-private list archives" is repealed.
>   2. There shall be no declassification of any portion of the
>      debian-private archives, except in the following circumstances.
>      2a. Participants may declassify their own material.
>      2b. Participants may declassify the material of others where
>          consent has explicitly been given by the authors of all of the
>          material being declassified.
>   3. Participants are reminded to use -private only when necessary.
> ========================================================================


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