Am 28.03.2012 04:48, schrieb Paul Wise:
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 3:15 AM, Lennart Weller wrote:
>> * Package name    : nvidia-texture-tools
>>  Version         : 2.0.8
>>  Upstream Author : Ignacio Castano <>
>> * URL             :
>> * License         : MIT/Expat, BSD-2-clause
>>  Programming Lang: C++
>>  Description     : image processing and texture manipulation tools
>>  NVIDIA Texture Tools is a collection of image processing and texture
>>  manipulation tools, designed to be integrated in game tools and asset
>>  conditioning pipelines.  The primary features of the library are mipmap and
>>  normal map generation, format conversion and DXT compression.
> I had intended to package this and have some early packaging already,
> so if you need a sponsor I can do that.
> I've been talking to upstream about some deficiencies in the software
> and its dependencies (that are not yet in Debian). I would suggest
> that you wait until these discussions are concluded and the upstreams
> have made new releases before working on the package.
I already got a sponsor for the package and I already completed the
packaging a few month back but thanks for offering your help. The
package is already in collab-maint [1]. And in the new queue for
unstable. It was mainly meant to allow to build 0ad. Here [2] is the ITP
for 0ad which requires nvidia-texture-tools to continue.


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