On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 12:51:07AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> Ok, it has updated today. IIRC, the previous timestamp was Apr 16 16:46, so I
> assume there is a crontab that updates the pages every 2 days.

Carlos has received a reply already, but I'll answer too, to make sure I
understand (I'm new to this, so please correct me if I'm wrong).

The pages are updated every six hours. But if the pages you committed had
errors, the wml process will not generate the new pages (that's why you didn't
see any changes in the pages you committed, even six hours after you did it).

This means you should make sure the pages you commit can be correctly
processed by wml, before you commit them. To check them, you should install
the most recent version of wml (2.0.6), then use "make" and see that the html
pages are created and give the result you expected; you can then use "make
clean" (never commit any of the html pages generated with make!).

By the way, can I give you a hand with the Portuguese translation? I speak
continental Portuguese so together we may come out with translations
acceptable both in Brazil and Portugal, rather than having to branch out pt_br
and pt_pt.


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