On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 08:03:06PM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 19-Apr-2001 Jaime E . Villate wrote:
> > By the way, can I give you a hand with the Portuguese translation? I speak
> > continental Portuguese so together we may come out with translations
> > acceptable both in Brazil and Portugal, rather than having to branch out
> > pt_br
> > and pt_pt.
> That would be nice, but you probably know that there are some terms (specially
> regarding computers) that are utterly rejected by brazilians, such as the
> meanings of "file" and "mouse" and other stuff as used in Portugal. The
> portuguese translation, the way it is right now, is not totally focused on
> brazilians, its just that there are no people from Portugal doing it right 
> now.


This is a matter that has been discussed plenty of times for many
years now (take a look at the GNU Translation Project's pt_PT mail

I was always a supporter of joint translations and a unified effort on
this translations (I even once proposed droping the portuguese
'archive' translation for the brazilian one, if they dropped the
'mouse 'stuff, etc). In the end, things can't me made this way; I now
believe that translations should be done separatly, at least when
there are many ppl from each nation involved (when there are few ppl
there is no need to divide the efforts).

As Carlos said, brazilians will reject utterly 'file' and 'mouse'
translations done in Portugal, as portugese ppl will reject utterly
the brazilian way of translating things (generally using a new version
of an english word when there is one already in portugese,
e.g. 'conetar'/'ligar', etc.). In the end, it is better to divide
efforts, at least when someone raises the issue like Carlos did (and
did well).

So Jaime, if you wan't to start a pt_PT Debian section feel free to
contact me; I'm not a Debian Maintainer yet because I think I have
some kind of contagious desease that doesn't allow me to get past the
DAM after having completed every step 5 months ago, but still, I could
give you a hand; I am currently involved in other translations (namely
FSF) and some other web pages (namely GNU/Hurd), so you would have to
take the bulk of the work for now... but I could still help :)

Oh, and do join #debian-br at urc.debian.org, the brazilian chaps in
there are truely wonderful and I'm there most of the time (ehe, and
they understand every word you say ;)).

> - -- 
> carlos laviola - icq #55799523
> $ chown us:us /your_base -R
> chown: what you say!!

$ echo "You know what you doing!" > ~/.your_baserc


Best Regards,


Frederico S. Mu?oz              GNU     http://www.gnu.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Debian  http://www.debian.org

http://sdf.lonestar.org - SDF Public Access Unix Systems

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