[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gustavo Noronha Silva) wrote in message news:<[EMAIL 
> Hi friends, 
> I have been listening many things about "projected languages"
> and went to check Debian's pages in esperanto... I read 'Debiano'
> and 'Linuksa'(?) in there... I am afraid Debian and Linux should
> not be "translated" as they're names of a project and a kernel...
> names are not translatable in any ways...
> comments?

The alternative would be to use quotation marks to show that they are
proper names, and add the grammatical endings to those; so "Debian"-a
and "Linux"-a.
(One of the problems is that "x" is not a letter in the Esperanto
alphabet; the sound "x" is represented by "ks").  This is cumbersome
but workable. Another possibility would be to capitalize the whole
name; I've never seen anyone write "kobola" as the adjective form of
COBOL, for example, so I think we're all used to that, even though it
violates the Esperanto spelling rules ("C" would normally be
pronounced like the "Ts" in "Tsar", not with a "k" sound).


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