#include <hallo.h>
* Eduard Bloch [Wed, Aug 27 2003, 01:08:02PM]:

>  General Screen Size: ${screen-size} diagonal (Width: 
> {ratio-calculation($screen-size)}, Height: {ratio-calculation($screen-size)})
>  Best resolution: ${ (type==tft) : ${value from resolution-class} : ${value 
> from data table for the res-class} }
>  Pixel resolution: ${ (x-value-of(best-resolution) - 
> unvisible-bordersize-on-CRTs ) / $width }
>  Horizontal frequency range: ${value from data table or edid)
>  Refresh rate range: ${value from data table or edid)
>  Best mode: ${width}x${height}-{rate-from-edid or VESA table or minimum for 
> TFTs}
>  .
>  If the data looks acceptable for your monitor, answer with Yes,
>  otherwise choose No to customize some settings.
> ### comment: this is just for info and not really important since X will 
> recalculate it as needed if we set DisplaySize correctly ###
Oops, this comment belongs to the line Pixel resolution above.

Klug zu fragen ist schwieriger, als klug zu antworten.
                -- Persische Weisheit

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