#include <hallo.h>
* Branden Robinson [Wed, Aug 27 2003, 06:26:02PM]:

> > Option "SWcursor" is only needed in a minority of cases as well (and
> > then it's a driver bug which should simply be fixed), but you even want

Of course it is a driver but, but not giving it a chance to appear is
IMO a better way to go.

> > to make it the default. I smell an inconsistency here.
> I'd imagine it's pretty simple; Eduard has been personally affected by
> buiggy hardware cursors, but has never had to use UseFBDev.

Exactly. The only case I ever had to use UseFBDev was Rage128 video
cards that simple required that option if any kind of framebuffer was
enabled. And yes, these experiences are not sufficient for any kind of
confidence-intervall in real statistics, but IMO they are (in
combination with monitoring _user_ channels and mailing list) good
enough to estimate the potential problems of our users.

> Eduard has a tendency to extrapolate his personal experiences to
> universal applicability, which is why he accuses other Debian Developers
> of violating the Social Contract when they don't fix bugs the way he
> wants them fixed.

I see, you do never forget anything. And when you have found something
universal to bother your enemy, you use it again and again and again.
Reminds me somehow on the tactics that children in the basic school use
very often but your age should be behind that.

> There are several good ideas in the patch, though, and I will
> incorporate some of them when I rewrite xserver-xfree86.config.in.

I hoped this while writting the thing. I did not expect to work together
with you (too jerky, too complicated, too depressing) but push the
development in the right direction.

And if you feel compelled to make jokes about my vocabulary, go ahead,
nobody can stop you. Just remember that it is seen as impolite in many
parts of the world.

Wenn die Männer die Schönheit einer Frau mehr schätzen als ihre Intelligenz,
so hat das seinen Grund darin, daß es mehr Dummköpfe gibt als Blinde.
                -- Louise de Vilmorin

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