Ce jour Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Denis Barbier a dit:

> Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Denis,
> >
> > How hard do you think it would be to adapt symbols/pc/ca to 
> > symbols/macintosh?
> Simon, does
>   setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout ca -option altwin:rwin_switch
> fit your needs?

trying it now...

the same as the default macintosh/ca. the iso_3level_shift (or whatever
that thing is called) still ends up on r_ctrl, and the command keys ("apple")
get unused, and the right one still gets mapped to the left one (Meta_L,

IOW, not satisfactory. and if i set it up in such a way where the
3rd_level characters are mapped to command instead of r_ctrl, apps like
mozilla(-firefox,thunderbird,...) don't see the key press. this is via
xmodmap - yes xmodmap. 

(i'm attaching the xmodmap file i use).

> I know nothing about Apple keyboards, and do not understand why
> symbols/macintosh 
> is needed since users copy layouts from symbols/pc and everything
> seems to work


um, there are many more people using this layout in canada than say,
europe or the u.s.... i know of at least 3 others that have the same
problem as i do.  i just feel i don't need to justify this, as we've
been patient with this.

> --
> Denis

       ,''`.   http://www.debian.org/       http://www.nuit.ca/
       : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://simonraven.nuit.ca/
       '                                    ------------------------------
         `-                                 GPG Print: 7C49 FD9C 1054 7300
                                            3B7B 8BF4 6A88 7AE2 711D F097
! This is an `xmodmap' input file for 
!   PC 105 key, wide Delete, tall Enter (XFree86; CF) keyboards.
! Automatically generated on Wed Jul  7 20:47:13 2004 by simon with
! XKeyCaps 2.46; Copyright (c) 1999 Jamie Zawinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
! http://www.jwz.org/xkeycaps/
! This file presupposes that the keyboard is in the default state, and
! may malfunction if it is not.
!remove Mod5    = Mode_switch Mode_switch

keycode 0x4E =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x6E =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x31 =  slash   backslash       NoSymbol        hyphen  bar
keycode 0x0B =  2       at
keycode 0x0C =  3       numbersign
keycode 0x0D =  4       dollar  onequarter      currency
keycode 0x0F =  6       question        threequarters   fiveeighths
keycode 0x10 =  7       ampersand       7       seveneighths    braceleft
keycode 0x11 =  8       asterisk        8       trademark       braceright
keycode 0x12 =  9       parenleft       9       plusminus       bracketleft
keycode 0x13 =  0       parenright      NoSymbol        NoSymbol        
keycode 0x14 =  minus   underscore      minus   questiondown
keycode 0x15 =  equal   plus    dead_cedilla    dead_ogonek     notsign
keycode 0x16 =  BackSpace
keycode 0x4D =  Num_Lock        Pointer_EnableKeys
keycode 0x17 =  Tab     ISO_Left_Tab
keycode 0x22 =  dead_circumflex dead_diaeresis  NoSymbol        dead_abovering  
keycode 0x23 =  ccedilla        Ccedilla        dead_tilde      dead_macron     
keycode 0x4F =  KP_7    KP_Home
keycode 0x50 =  KP_8    KP_Up
keycode 0x51 =  KP_9    KP_Prior
keycode 0x28 =  d       D       eth     Dstroke
keycode 0x2D =  k       K       kra
keycode 0x2F =  semicolon       colon   dead_acute      dead_doubleacute        
keycode 0x30 =  egrave  Egrave  NoSymbol        dead_caron
keycode 0x33 =  agrave  Agrave  NoSymbol        dead_breve
keycode 0x53 =  KP_4    KP_Left
keycode 0x54 =  KP_5    KP_Begin
keycode 0x55 =  KP_6    KP_Right
keycode 0x5E =  ugrave  Ugrave  ugrave  brokenbar
keycode 0x34 =  z       Z       NoSymbol        NoSymbol        guillemotleft
keycode 0x35 =  x       X       NoSymbol        NoSymbol        guillemotright
keycode 0x37 =  v       V       leftdoublequotemark     leftsinglequotemark
keycode 0x38 =  b       B       rightdoublequotemark    rightsinglequotemark
keycode 0x3B =  comma   apostrophe      horizconnector  multiply        less
keycode 0x3C =  period  quotedbl        periodcentered  division        greater
keycode 0x3D =  eacute  Eacute  NoSymbol        dead_abovedot
keycode 0x57 =  KP_1    KP_End
keycode 0x58 =  KP_2    KP_Down
keycode 0x59 =  KP_3    KP_Next
keycode 0x73 =  ISO_Level3_Shift
keycode 0x71 =  Alt_R
keycode 0x74 =  ISO_Level3_Shift
keycode 0x75 =  NoSymbol
keycode 0x6D =  Control_R
keycode 0x5A =  KP_0    KP_Insert
keycode 0x5B =  KP_Decimal      KP_Delete

add    Control = Control_R
add    Mod1    = Alt_R
add    Mod4    = ISO_Level3_Shift
add    Mod5    = ISO_Level3_Shift Scroll_Lock

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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