Ce jour Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Denis Barbier a dit:

> > > Simon, does
> > >   setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout ca -option altwin:rwin_switch
> > > fit your needs?
> >
> > trying it now...
> >
> > the same as the default macintosh/ca.
> This is my point, there is no need to copy symbols/ca to symbols/macintosh/ca,
> setting model to pc105 works as well (or as bad ;))

yeh, as bad ;).

> > the iso_3level_shift (or whatever
> > that thing is called) still ends up on r_ctrl, and the command keys 
> > ("apple")
> > get unused, and the right one still gets mapped to the left one (Meta_L,
> > IIRC).
> This has been fixed and will be available at next upload.
> Maybe you could try a newer version available at
>   http://people.debian.org/~barbier/xkb/xkb-4.3.0.dfsg.1-8+SVN.tar.bz2

cool, thanks :).

> (this is not the latest version, but it contains newer Canadian layouts).
> I believe that you can run the setxkbmap command above from the xkb toplevel
> directory, there is no need to overwrite /etc/X11/xkb.
> > mozilla(-firefox,thunderbird,...) don't see the key press. this is via
> > xmodmap - yes xmodmap.
> What does that mean?  You can't type 3rd level characters within mozilla?
> What does xev display when you press these special keys?  Please do not
> run xmodmap before xev so that XKB raw data are displayed.

only when i *don't* run my xmodmap file does it work ok, if i do, < > ~ ` - ¬ 
and other symbols don't work. they do work in most other apps though. i
suspect that's part of the old mozilla-* bug - which i still see on
occasion - where text input is no longer accepted in the location bar.

IOW, no need to run xev, since it *does* work without xmodmap having been run.

> --
> Denis

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