Ce jour Wed, 07 Jul 2004, Branden Robinson a dit:

> # don't woody and sarge have this problem too?

sid tag was removed 2 reportbug revisions ago ;)

> On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 10:28:03AM +0000, simon raven wrote:
> What's a CSA layout?  If you could take a clear digital photograph of this
> keyboard, that would be really helpful.

um, that may take some time since i don't have a digital camera and
would have to borrow one.

> > except that one of the command keys is mapped to Meta_L, when i have two
> > on this keyboard, which could be mapped to Meta_L and Meta_R, but aren't. 
> That's caused by a typo in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/macintosh/us.

ooh, i see

> I've attached a patch for that particular problem; this fix will be in -6.


> > i'm willing to provide the physical layout of the keys if need be
> > (posted via text or image medium at a fetchable URL).
> Yes, please do.

ok, ASAP :). i'll get started on that.

> I'm pretty sure can help you come up with a good symbols/macintosh/ca file.
that would be great, thanks again.

> $Id: 093_xkb_fix_macintosh_problems.diff 1589 2004-06-28 06:08:54Z branden $
> Fix miscellaneous Macintosh XKB data problems:
> * The keypad equal key (<KPEQ>) should map to the "KP_Equal" keysym, not
>   "equal".
> * Fix typo that kept the right Alt key from working.
> This patch by Branden Robinson.
> Not submitted to XFree86.

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.

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