OoO En cette  soirée bien amorcée du jeudi 29  janvier 2009, vers 22:24,
Brice Goglin <> disait :

> Apart from nothing appearing in the log about
> MinSpeed/MaxSpeed/AccelFactor (ZAxisMapping doesn't exist for synaptics
> anyway), does your touchpad actually behave incorrectly? The synaptic
> driver seems to handle float options in non-standard way. So it could
> actually be using your float config options without printing anything in
> the log. One way to check that would be to run "synclient -l". But
> you'll have to enable SHMConfig first, using
>      <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">on</merge>
> (beware that this is considered a security risk, so you want to remove
> it afterwards).

> It seems to work fine here, but nothing appears in the log.

synclient -l reports  the same values as in fdi  file. Therefore, I have
just increased the value to get the same behaviour as before. However, I
was  still  unable  to  scroll  because  type "bool"  seems  not  to  be
supported. I have changed to a string value of 1:
        <merge key="input.x11_options.VertEdgeScroll" type="string">1</merge>

Thanks for your help!

I suggest to add some tips in NEWS.Debian to let users know that options
are now retrieved through HAL. I also had to remove this option:
        Option "AllowEmptyInput" "off"
which was a work around to some other past changes.
BOFH excuse #374:
Its the InterNIC's fault.

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