Bonjour a tous, Pendant le weekend j'ai essaye d'installer Mandrake 9.0 avec les CDs qui sont (finallement) arrives. Un desastre total! L'installation plante immediatement, j'ai un mauvais pressentiment, alors je repasse sous LM8.2, et j'essaye de lire les pages HTML que Mandrake met sur son premier CD. Les pages sont totalement corrompues, illisibles. La, j'ai envie de hurler de rage. Je m'explique:
- les CDs de MandrakeStore sont illisibles avec mon graveur Aopen. - Je n'ai jamais eu de problemes pour lire d'autres CDs avec mon graveur (sauf bien des CDs rayes ou endommages!). - Je n'ai jamais eu de problemes pour lire des CDs Mandrake provenant d'autres sources (eg. couverture de magazine). - La meme mesaventure m'est arrive avec LM8.1 que j'avais commande a MandrakeStore, finalement j'ai installe sans problemes a partir de CDs copies par un ami. La conclusion qui s'impose: a deux reprises j'ai commande des CDs a MandrakeStore, a chaque fois ils sont illisibles. Je vais renvoyer ces CDs a Mandrake et demander remboursement, mais avant de le faire je suis curieux de savoir si ce probleme m'est unique ou si d'autres personnes ont connus la meme mesaventure. A+ Richard *********************************************************************** This e-mail and its attachments are intended for the above named recipient(s) only and are confidential and may be privileged. If they have come to you in error you must take no action based on them, nor must you copy or disclose them or any part of their contents to any person or organisation; please notify the sender immediately and delete this e-mail and its attachments from your computer system. Please note that Internet communications are not necessarily secure and may be changed, intercepted or corrupted. We advise that you understand and observe this lack of security when e-mailing us and we will not accept any liability for any such changes, interceptions or corruptions. Although we have taken steps to ensure that this e-mail and its attachments are free from any virus, we advise that in keeping with good computing practice the recipient should ensure they are actually virus free. Copyright in this e-mail and attachments created by us belongs to Littlewoods. Littlewoods takes steps to prohibit the transmission of offensive, obscene or discriminatory material. If this message contains inappropriate material please forward the e-mail intact to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it will be investigated. Statements and opinions contained in this e-mail may not necessarily represent those of Littlewoods. Please note that e-mail communication may be monitored. Registered office: Littlewoods Retail Limited, Sir John Moores Building, 100 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L70 1AB Registered no: 421258 ***********************************************************************
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