Hello - I have taken my credit card out of my wallet two or three times now,
headed to buy declude junkmail - on the fence so to speak. I know how well
declude works for AV - and I am very impressed with Scott as a helpful and
courteous individual - and he seems real smart too - lots of knowledge on
the workings of mail etc....  I am trying to drum up support (funds) for it
from a few of my business customers. I would like some reviews if possible -
what kind of kill rate some of you get without paying some of the db's
services out there - just using the free stuff. Cold hard percentages would
be good. I am using imgate at the moment, but the ability to just mark spam
would be so much better than deleting it - and weighting sounds immensely
better that pass or fail on one test, then on to the next. I have gone down
to only blocking open relays (since no reason exists to have one - and if
you are legit, you shouldn't want one anyway)

Also, what kind of performance hits do you take -

sorry to break in on such a quiet day -

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