okay, I begin to understand that DNSREPORT/DNSSTUFF is having trouble
dealing with the DNS information

You're wrong here.  Those sites are behaving 100% correctly.

 - but I can tell you TWO things with

a) Internet Explorer with the Windows Resolver CAN resolve:
Correct. The *parent* servers for .de are (incorrectly, IMHO) returning an A record for www.grepel.de. http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/lookup.ch?name=www.grepel.de&type=A will show the same.

b) IMAIL with Windows DNS CAN deliver mail to
(using the MX record "grepel.de MX 10 mailin.webmailer.de.")
Yes -- again, because the .de parent servers are returning an MX record.

Not bad for a domain, which you insists doesn't even exists, eh?  <G>
It doesn't exist, really.  <G>

So - while I start to see that there may be some "issue" with that domain
(e.g, possibly no SOA and/or NS records?) - it DOES exist and it DOES have
MX and A records.
"Issues" is an understatement. According to the Internet, the domain is registered (see http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/whois.ch?domain=grepel.de ), but does not exist in DNS. It sounds like the .de parent servers know the A records for www.grepel.de and grepel.de because they were used at one point as NS records. But it is reporting that the grepel.de zone no longer exists.

It sounds like the .de zone may be FUBAR. Either that, or it is set up so that the .de parent servers return data for some of the .de subdomains, which is a very bad practice (in that case, you can't do a DNS report on those domains -- because the zones do not exist).

Really strange, indeed.

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