Does Declude JunkMail have an email file similar to the virus file recip.eml? I have a client that wants to be notified when they have an email they don't receive.
In that case, you could use the ATTACH action, and modify the \IMail\Declude\spamattach.eml file to not include the original spam.

We are having an unusual amount of lost emails and they are (and I am) trying to finds out why. Almost all attachments with .pdf are being lost.
Have you checked your IMail rules? That's a common reason for .pdfs getting lost.

You might also want to check the IMail log file -- it should have "SMTPD" lines for the E-mail arriving (before Declude scans it), and "SMTP-" or "SMTP" lines afterwards for the actual delivery of the E-mail.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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