Well, after using the same Declude setup since we started back in October, I
finally just changed the weight system to weight ranges, and altered what is
done to the mail. I've also installed Spamreview, and hope to cut down on
mail copied for review. Here's my question / setup:

here is the setup:
WEIGHT10-19W weightrange x x 10 19
WEIGHT10-19C weightrange x x 10 19
WEIGHT20-24W weightrange x x 20 24
WEIGHT20-24C weightrange x x 20 24
WEIGHT25-29W weightrange x x 25 29
WEIGHT25-29H weightrange x x 25 29
WEIGHT30 weight  x x 30 0

Default :
nothing listed fot weight10-19c - see question.
WEIGHT20-24C COPYTO <junkfolder for review>
WEIGHT25-29H HOLD < SPAM folder for Spamreview>

So far so good, all is logging fine. here's my question:

Can I have Declude COPY the lesser valued mail to the SPAM folder in the
spool? So I can review it with Spamreview? If so, what's the way to do it?

weight10-19c    COPYTO    SPAM ?   <-- or does this simply create a SPAM
folder for the user?

Question 2: By this point, all messages should've been scanned by Declude as
well, correct? So no viruses should be present in the SPAM folder, unless
something happened to the scanner..... correct?

Thanks all!


[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

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