In my site, we mainly use IMail through the web interface.  There are a few
people who use it
with Outlook Express.  When we had our old ISP, those users with OE were
able to send email
to others within the same domain fine.  No problems.  Now after our ISP
switch, those users are getting
marked as SPAM because of this:

X-RBL-Warning: HELOBOGUS: Domain TECH2A has no MX or A records.
X-RBL-Warning: REVDNS: This E-mail was sent from a MUA/MTA 209.X.Z.YYY with
no reverse DNS entry

Of course, Tech2a is the name of the computer.  All the settings on OE for
that user are correct.  I don't even
know where to look.  This switch has caused so many headaches it's not even
funny.  Where/what should I be searching for?

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