> I do know that his bottom line was that Black Ice wouldn't do what I
> wanted, but he did try and sell me on the firewall and intrusion
> detection features.

  I have written on this previously. Black Ice does not stop
  dictionary attacks per se. It does test errors returned from Imail
  and if the number exceeds its threshold (maximum errors returned)
  then it will temporarily blacklist the IP address. This is only
  slightly better than nothing at all. Imail apparently reports these
  either after the SMTP session or after some unknown interval or
  event. I've watched one dictionary attack hit more than 4,000 rcpt
  to errors without Black Ice being triggered.

  Just for the record I wrote a program which tailed the log file
  looking for rcpt to errors and would automatically then add the
  offending IP address to the Imail ACL. However, there were many
  problems with this. Just as with Black Ice the error information is
  just not available from Imail rapidly enough, i.e., the log files
  represent history. So I finally stopped it because it was more
  trouble than it was help.

  We also began having "0x00000008 Double Fault" errors which I
  believed had something to do with Black Ice.  I turned it off and
  have never had another error since.

  This should be addressed inside the SMTP dialogue.

  Terry Fritts

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