Sanford Whiteman wrote:

Did  you  fail  to read (twice) the part of my posts about the "accept
only for these users" option in ORF, which is loaded from a text file?

This has nothing to do with LDAP.

To be honest, yes, I don't think I saw that in your messages. Take it from a fellow could condense things from time to time...and maybe spend less time describing how I'm wrong or how impossible a task might be :)

I saw a reference to an "everybody but" blacklists, but their help file makes no such reference. I suppose that you inquired about this functionality? My read of their help file shows that it might be possible to blacklist everything, and then whitelist the addresses that you want to accept...if they process the whitelist first. Or maybe this is undocumented or at least difficult to find in their documentation.

Nevertheless, thanks for the pointer.


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