Sanford Whiteman wrote:

It's simple and built-in functionality, not a tweak or anything like
that all. You simply enable the recipient blacklist button in the
"everybody but these people" mode (one of two modes). There's no need
to worry about processing order. All addresses are in plain-text and
will reload when the ORF service restarts. It's exactly what your spec

I don't have a functioning install, just something on an incapable machine which exposes their help files, so I didn't get to see their config screens. This definitely looks like it will work just fine, even if it doesn't scale to 50,000 addresses :)

I figure that I'll probably take a look at the IMail to IMGate export script that I've seen mentioned before, or maybe a utility on the Ipswitch site for generating the locally hosted portion of this file, and I'll probably write a database app for managing the gatewayed domains, combining the two into a suitable format for ORF. What I hope to do is establish this audit trail for my customers where they have almost real-time access to add or remove addresses from the service. If they don't want to maintain a list, then I'll just charge them a bit more since that means more utilization. Best of both worlds I figure. This is also the type of thing that I can handle without much help.



MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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