
You have asked this question several times before and if you review the answers, you have received just about every possible explanation as an answer.  I would recommend STRONGLY that you research your IMail logs, and don't stop looking until you can nail down exactly where this is coming from and what Mail From information is being passed.  Scott has given you information from a spam sample that should be easy enough to track back to a log file so as to expose this information.  To do anything else would be to just simply guess, and apparently the past several guesses have been wrong so I recommend that you stop guessing, at least until it becomes more of an educated guess.

Note that the actual IP source of the E-mail is not important because the spam hijackers have armies of zombies that they can use to bounce spam off of your server.  The real problem is identifying how they are sending the E-mail, and the Mail From that they are sending under, which is exposed in your IMail logs, is the most obvious first place to start.

When you find an example of the spam being sent, you might try posting all of the log entries for that E-mail to the list and asking for the best solution to fixing the problem or where to go from there.


Richard Farris wrote:
I just got blacklisted again with Spamcop...I have taken out every IP address from my mail server except for my 1 dial up pool...Everyone else must authenticate....My server is still at almost 100% most of the time...I am still sending out spam but how do I tell where it is coming from...

Richard Farris
Ethixs Online Office
1.800.548.3877 Tech Support
"Crossroads to a Cleaner Internet"

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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