> Thanks  guys,  I have it working now! BTW... any way to retrieve any
> info from SA with regards to test failed or weight?

This  info  is  not currently used by Declude, though it is accessible
when  you run SPAMC32 against a message from the command line. Declude
Junkmail doesn't support the use of "report" files as in Declude Virus
--  secondary  files  left  behind by external tests whose results can
then  be  parsed by the Declude for insertion in headers or weighting.
If  it  did,  it'd  be  straightforward to drop a report file for each
message and have these integrated into the Declude log.

Anyway,  the  next version of SPAMC32 is coming out very soon with the
ability  to  consult  a  local  SPAMC32 log file (rather than the main
SPAMD  log  file)  to  check which individual SA rules failed for each
message; this is a definite need.

As for SPAMC32 inserting headers directly, this is technically simple,
but  I  have purposely avoided implementing this functionality because
it  will  add  significant  extra  disk  I/O  to  reread and alter the
original  message,  rather than letting Declude add all of its headers
at  once  when  done  processing. Plus, adding the names of 10, 20, or
more SA rules to the message headers can be pretty sloppy. So, in sum,
header  insertion  will  likely  be  added as an optional command-line
switch,  but  it's  not  as  much  of  a priority as the local logging
function. I will keep the list posted, as always.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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