> I have 3k plus users getting 300k emails per day... my SA is running
> on  a  linux  server,  P4 2ghz... no increase in load when I started
> using SA with declude today.

Well,  there had to be _some_ increase -- though you may not notice it
depending  on  your sampling interval -- since you're clearly scanning
more  data  with  SPAMD  than  before.  What  you shouldn't see is any
resource  trouble  on  the Declude/SPAMC32 side, since it offloads all
the  ruleset  processing  to  SPAMD.  SPAMC32  thus may introduce some
extended  queue  time for each message, but not interfere with message
processing by other Declude instances.

> The best config I have set is:
> SPAMASSASSIN external    nonzero
> "e:\imail\declude\spamd\spamc32.exe -d 
> -r -lt 4 -et 6 -f" 3  0

> I 'think' so far that spamassassin only reports if SA's score is 4 or more,
> if so, I score it a 3 on the email test.  I am still playing with the values
> to tune the system.

I  think  your  external test's behavior won't be what you expect. The
-et  switch  won't be used without the -e switch, the -lt switch won't
be  used without the -ht switch, and the -r switch report isn't parsed
by Declude, so what you're saying is the same as if you had no special
switches  at  all:  "Just gimme a 0 if SPAMD says it's ham, and a 1 if
SPAMD says it's spam." What did you want it to do?


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

Defuse Dictionary Attacks: Turn Exchange or IMail mailboxes into IMail Aliases!

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