
There  should  be no _addition_ of Declude-defined weights to external
test result codes! I don't even know how your test definition could be
doing that. Certainly, that's not the intended use of SPAMC32.

Yes, another mistake on my part.  Sorry :(

What's confusing you seems to be the way of pairing Declude's external
test  types ('external nonzero' or 'external weight') with the related
SPAMC32 options (default or '-e').

A  Declude  'external nonzero' test is designed for tests whose return
codes  you  want  Declude to convert to binary pass/fail-- it's either
'pass'  (return  code 0) or 'fail' (return code 1+). [A test that only
returns a 0 or 1 (never 1+) can alternately be defined as an 'external
1'  test,  but  I  think  most  people just use the catchall 'nonzero'
type.] After you define a a test as nonzero, from the manual:

Can you point me to the manual please?  :)
I would like to see what else can be done besides the nonzero (ham or spam).
I would like to rate how smelly the spam is :)

On  the  other  hand, a Declude 'external weight' test is designed for
tests  whose return code you want to reuse _as_ the Declude weight for
the  test.  This  is  designed for tests that return a range of values
that represent increasing spamminess, such as SPAMC32 with the -e (and
optionally  the  -et) option. In these cases, you're passing the SPAMD
weight,  up  to  the -et threshold, directly back to Declude, which is
what you seem to want to do.

Hummm...  I  was  hoping to get the real score of SA, max of 10, and
score that value against the email message for the weighting system.
So, for now, it's ham or spam :)

Only because you haven't defined the test correctly in Declude. :)

Yes, exactly, this is what I want to do :)

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