Please note that the hardware issue preventing communication with Declude has been resolved. Key authentication has resumed as normal.
There appear to be some misconceptions on the lists regarding the key authentication system. In the event that your key cannot be authenticated (either due to communication failure or because the key was never issued):
A) Your software will continue to function
B) Your software is NEVER downgraded for any reason, either automatically or otherwise
We have had a few reports from customers who have licensed versions of Pro, saying that they are receiving messages in their log files that they do not have the Pro version. We will identify the source of that issue tomorrow when the office reopens and will resolve it. It does not have any relation to the key authentication mechanism with the server, since the actual authentication with IMail versions of Declude continues to be via the old codes entered into the configuration files.
David Franco-Rocha
Declude Technical / Engineering

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