
I've had some issues getting them past the part where they assume "user error" or something else that is outside of their immediate control so that they can actually look at the issue at hand.  It may be just simply an issue of them not listening/reading carefully enough.

All I can say is that you might want to go back to square one and re-explain the issue.  I think that Kevin made the essence of that clear in his reply, but I would then add to it the unfortunate issues that can result from displaying plain text as HTML, and suggest that if they are displaying a plain/text only message, to do some bracket replacement in order to keep plain/text elements from becoming functional in the HTML view.

Showing a message that is plain/text as HTML is fine just so long as they replace the brackets.


Gary Steiner wrote:
I can't get SmarterTools to see this as a bug.  Their answer is that their web mail is set to HTML by default, and you should just click on the "plain text" link to view it.  Their support doesn't seem to be able to grasp the wider implications of this problem.


 -------- Original Message --------
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: port forwarding

That's surely a bug.  Dave sent his message as plain/text and 
SmarterMail should be replacing the brackets with HTML encoding before 
displaying it as HTML so that it should not be a functional element when 
displayed., i.e.

    &lt;meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; 
URL="" class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="">"&gt;

If Dave had sent it as an HTML message, his client would have done the 
replacement for him.

This should probably be reported to SmarterMail.  There are a lot of 
potential consequences, for instance, virus scanners won't generally 
consider code in plain/text segments to be executable, yet it can be in 
SmarterMail webmail if it is working the way that you reported.


Gary Steiner wrote:

It is interesting how SmarterMail's web mail interprets Dave's message.  It sees the META statement in his message as embedded code, and runs it when I read the message.


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