Hi, Matt-

I think your analysis is spot-on. They have a lot of naive and relatively naive users on the forums, and they surely get a lot of marginal input from that source. Some of the better companies have a group of power users that they rely on for beta testing and serious input on the product as it evolves. I would hope that they have such a group, although I am not aware of it if they do.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Declude.JunkMail@declude.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: port forwarding


I agree, the product is definitely continuing to evolve and they are pretty good at doing a lot of things, but they aren't good at handling support issues, especially from power users with an eye for detail. They didn't get the issues with auth-only port 587 until that exploded on this list despite repeated requests on their own message board and the fact that this was not only useful for shutting off unauthenticated access to a server, but also the standard way of implementing the submission port.

I think this comes from the fact that they have a lot of control panel hosting customers using their software, and those users are typically not tweakers like we are. I don't think that there is a lot of interest on their part in getting direction from the community as a result of the general dynamic. I have seen a lot of short-sighted/impractical feature requests from users on their message list, yet I'm sure that those requesting such things feel that their requests are just as important as ours. It's likely hard for them to differentiate, or maybe because of the typical issues that they see are more on the side of the user that they don't tend to think so deeply about this stuff. It sound like they really didn't understand the nature of this bug and assumed it was a user error, or didn't bother to read deeply enough into the unintended affects.

What you and Gary have done however seems like the best way to approach it. Sort of like yelling to get attention, but yelling detail and being persistent instead of just getting angry and spouting obscenities. I would understand them not fixing it immediately if it is complicated for them to do so, which it may be, but I wouldn't understand a conscious decision to leave things as is indefinitely.


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