I run the following 2 commands on my daily IIS log files.
forfiles /p c:\clients /s /d -3 /m ex*.log /c "cmd /c wzzip @file"
forfiles /p c:\clients /s /d -3 /m ex*.log /c "cmd /c del @file"
I keep each of my clients log files underneath their own client directory so I use forfiles to identify the log files and zips anything that is older than 3 day (so that I can review if something happened over the weekend). I then run the same command, but using delete instead of wzzip. Both of these commands are in a simple bat file that I call from windows scheduler.
Hope it helps,

On 4/17/06, John T (Lists) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am trying to create a batch file that will zip up a weeks worth of logs
and then move that zip file.

The problem I am having is that I want to zip the previous 7 days, but
sometimes the last log is time stamped say 04/16/06 11:59 PM and sometimes
say 04/17/06 12:00 AM. Because of that, if I run the batch file on 04/17/06,
it may or may not include the log file for 04/16/06 depending on the final
time stamp.

Other than stopping services just before midnight and then restarting, what
is the best way to always ensure that I am processing the correct day's

John T
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