I'm not sure what version of declude you are running, I'm on the latest release 
I'd suggest getting a trial version of sniffer and seeing what that does for 
you. I had instant luck with it. 

I run sniffer, and INVul (I'm on the road and cant remember how to spell that) 
It's a geat combo with declude. 

I've found declude alone is not up to the current spam enviroment.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Sharyn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:34:21 -0400

>Good morning,
>I am still running an older version of Declude but it seems that it is not
>really effective anymore.
>We are getting tons of spam lately and I'm thinking about upgrading to the
>newest version in hopes that this will help.
>What is the newest version and are there issues with it? Putting aside all
>the drama going on with the company itself, how is the software actually
>working? Are there upgrade issues? Can I still use my old global.cfg and
>just add the newer tests? Does it still work the same?
>I am woefully out of the loop with this, due to other, more pressing
>Thanks in advance,
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>unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
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