Title: Newest version
I don't think there are any significant anti-spam advances in the new Declude base product.
Declude added the CommTouch addon.
Or look at INVURIBL (cheapest solution) or Message Sniffer.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 6:34 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Newest version

Good morning,

I am still running an older version of Declude but it seems that it is not really effective anymore.

We are getting tons of spam lately and I'm thinking about upgrading to the newest version in hopes that this will help.

What is the newest version and are there issues with it? Putting aside all the drama going on with the company itself, how is the software actually working? Are there upgrade issues? Can I still use my old global.cfg and just add the newer tests? Does it still work the same?

I am woefully out of the loop with this, due to other, more pressing concerns.

Thanks in advance,

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