Hi Dave,


Let's keep the BasePoint a separate discussion.


Here's what you sent on 4/30:




So - since "left" of zero (negative) are the good reputation and "right" of
zero (positive) are bad reputation, and you are subtracting the basepoint
(lowering a positive Sniffer Score) - so effectively you are moving the
center further to the RIGHT. A basepoint of "3" will have the effect that
-1.0 though +0.3 is "good reputation", +0.3 is "the null point" and +0.3 to
+1.0 is now "bad" reputation, right?


But your sample math doesn't match your formula:


0.267262  x 10 - 0 = 2 This is positive then the test is triggered for 10

0.267262  x 10 - 1 = 1 This is positive then the test is triggered for 10

0.267262  x 10 - 2 = 0 Not Triggered.

0.267262  x 10 - 3 = -1 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

0.267262  x 10 - 4 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.


-0.267262  x 10 - 0 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 1 = -1 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 2 = 0 Not Triggered.

-0.267262  x 10 - 3 = -1 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 4 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.


 Using math rules (assuming you are simply truncating any decimals, not
rounding), you SHOULD be getting:


-0.267262  x 10 - 0 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 1 = -3 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 2 = -4 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 3 = -5 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 4 = -6 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.


In any case, if you ONLY allow a "positive" base point that is being
subtracted then you can only use the SNFIPREP test to reduce the number of
IPs that are considered "bad".  But, if you are trying to use SNFIPREP for
"whitelisting" and want to limit that number of IPs that are considered
"good" then you need to be able to add the basepoint - which moves the
center further to the LEFT.


So I think a negative basepoint would be useful (but not urgent in light of
the fact that you just send me earlier SNFIP return codes that allow testing
for "white").


Best Regards,




From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 3:40 PM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation for "white" listing


As Pete already provided input on this. I am not going to prolix the answer
other than to say when implementing Message Sniffer we abided by the Pete's
advice "Since many legitimate ISPs also produce a lot of spam it might be
useful to apply a bias to this weight so that these systems appear closer to
zero." So currently we do not allow for a negative value as a BASEPOINT,
with that said if you think it is really important to be able to use a
negative value as you have described in your post, let me know and I can add
it to the dev list.


David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email security is our business
978.499.2933 office
978.988.1311 fax
 <mailto:dbar...@declude.com> dbar...@declude.com






From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2010 1:51 PM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation for "white" listing


Hi Pete,


Funny - our messages overlapped. But I'm glad I was on the right track with
my suspicions. Hopefully this will help Declude to refine things.


>> a better way to do it would be to scale the result so that from 0 to -1
the "negative" weight (let's pick a 

factor of 5) would rise linearly from 0 to -5 and similarly a positive going
reputation would scale linearly from 0 to +5 as the API result scaled from 0
to +1. <<


Right - that's the same scheme I just pointed out to Dave myself - except in
my case you could pick a distinct factor for the "-" vs. the "+" side of the
scale (because Declude already has that option anyhow)


                (( Abs(Reputation Value) * 10 ) - Base Value) * [Pos or
Neg]WeightFactor = Final Weight


For this line in the Declude config:




it would results in weights between +20 and -10, e.g.:


Reputation 0.0: ( ( 0.0 * 10 ) - 0 ) * 2   =   0


Reputation 0.3: ( ( 0.3 * 10 ) - 0 ) * 2   =    6

Reputation 1.0: ( ( 1.0 * 10 ) - 0 ) * 2   =  20


Reputation -0.3: ( ( 0.3 * 10 ) - 0 ) * -1 =   -3

Reputation -1.0: ( ( 1.0 * 10 ) - 0 ) * -1 = -10



Here's an important question, though:


Do you have a distribution chart for the reputation scale? It of course
makes a HUGE different, whether the distribution of reputations reported for
the inflow of email is evenly distributed between -1.0 and 0.1, or whether
it is a bell curve where 80% are in the "center" area, or whether it's some
sort of exponential curve that has very few with "good" reputation, a modest
amount around the 0 point, and then expentionally increasing towards the bad
and turn reputations?


This way one could decide what factors to use for the + and - sides and
where to set the "mid" point (Declude allows you to shift the mid-point left
and right.


>> I'm guessing on how that test is implemented, but if I've guessed
correctly then -0.8 would certainly be a good WHITE set point.<<


Thank you - that means in their "default" (sample) config file, they really
should adjust the midpoint away from "0" to "-8" (they multiply the
reputation scale by 10 to be able to work with integers) 




probably to




but I'd have to check with Dave to see if "-8" will indeed set the midpoint
to -0.8 or if the sign has to be reversed.


Thanks for taking the time to help all of us understand Sniffer in the
context of the Declude integration.


I'm very happy that Declude took the time and integrated the product. I just
would like to make sure it comes with an implementation sample that is a
good enough compromise for "day-to-day" use.


Best Regards,





-----Original Message-----
From: supp...@declude.com [mailto:supp...@declude.com] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2010 11:57 AM
To: declude.junkmail@declude.com
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation for "white" listing


On 4/30/2010 9:32 PM, Andy Schmidt wrote:





> But your documentation of the reputation system has a graph that shows

> there is yet another category: "WHITE".



I don't know the details of Declude's impelementation. Presumably they 

could (or maybe even do) implement WHITE.


> The SNFIPREP tests does offer the ability to define at what decimal value

> (between -1 and +1, in .1 increments) a weight can be subtracted. But the

> question is - is that SENSIBLE use of your reputation database? Per

> could -0.8 be a sensible threshold to give an email "credit" for coming

> a reputable IP source?



I'm guessing on how that test is implemented, but if I've guessed 

correctly then -0.8 would certainly be a good WHITE set point.


My guess is based on using a combined score value from the IP reputation 

that combines the confidence figure and the probability figure. In that 

case only a strongly negative p coupled with a strong c would result in 

a -0.8.


> Or is it better to let the "good" reputation be considered AFTER the

> scan and then use the "combined" exit code?



As I understand it Declude uses a wheighting system --- except for some 

short-circuit abilities that means all tests are run, their scores are 

added together, and then the total is used to determine the disposition 

of the message. I don't think there is an 'AFTER' in this case.


The IP reputation test is useful in cases where a message might be too 

new to hit a pattern match and where the IP reputation is not quite 

strong enough to be in one of the GBUdb envelopes. In such a case it 

might be useful to combine the 'analog' reputation score with the scores 

from other tests to push the message over the fence one way or 

another... at least that's how the test was designed to work in the API 

we provide.


It sounds like you're describing the IP Reputation test as having 

thresholds. That's an interesting way to do it (I haven't looked to see 

if it is actually that way)... a better way to do it would be to scale 

the result so that from 0 to -1 the "negative" weight (let's pick a 

factor of 5) would rise linearly from 0 to -5 and similarly a positive 

going reputation would scale linearly from 0 to +5 as the API result 

scaled from 0 to +1.


The API result holds 0 as meaning "I don't know" --- either because the 

confidence figure (c) is 0 or because the probability figure (p) is 0 

(meaning a 50% chance of spam or ham). The farther away from 0 you get 

the more certain the statistics.


Hope this helps,







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