
I'm not complaining.  I'm saying that there is an opportunity for someone to
write the utility I suggested.

I'd write it except the languages I code wouldn't be a good choice for
something like this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sanford Whiteman []
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Idea for new Declude add-on

> This product is not ready to be on the market and certainly should not
> be something someone pays good money to purchase.  It has promise, but
> its not ready yet.

Your  complaints  have to do principally with SmarterMail -- certainly when
the  product was published and supported I don't recall anything about
SmarterMail  being  advertised.  That's an after-the-fact hack, but I don't
knw what that has to do with "on the market."

> Autowhite also has a log option.  But it won't log without a syslog
> daemon on the server.

IMail had a syslog daemon built-in.  That's obviously why it was built to
use that functionality.

> Autowhite  needs  to  have  an  option  to  log  to a text file -- I
> wouldn't install anything to support a utility being able to log.

Do your firewalls log to text files on the device, then?

Sounds  like  a  lot  of  FUD  over  a dead product which actually did
exactly  what  it  was  supposed to do, and with more flexibility than most
command-line add-ons.  I for one *wish* that everything logged to syslog.  I
don't want a text file on the local box being written to on every e-mail.
SMTP is disk I/O bound already.

-- S.

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