>I have an imail server with unlimited users and this looks like it has 
>reached the limit. So first I have upgraded to a faster server, but then I 
>am not sure what to choose here, either a peeirng server based on Imails 
>description or a backup mail spooler also based on there descpition. What 
>i do want is the speed of receiving mail to the server increased but I 
>don't want do loose the safety of using declude.
>In the last case using it as a backup spooler whould it then be usefull 
>with Imail or should i go for somethin else ?

Not many people use peering, because nobody really seems to be able to 
explain the benefits of it (although you split the load between two 
servers, you also double the load, as 1/2 of the E-mails go to the wrong 

Have a backup (gateway) mailserver would work fine, though.  Your MX record 
would show the IP of the gateway server, which would receive the mail and 
scan it, and send it to the existing mailserver (which would no longer need 
to scan the E-mail).  Offloading the virus scanning would reduce the CPU 
usage of the existing server.

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