>But if my my primary mailserver are up and responding it will never reach 
>the second ? or are there something here i don't see

What you do is you have the DNS set up so that the MX record points to the 
new gateway server, instead of the existing server.  For example, if you 
now have:

         example.com.    MX      10      mail.example.com.
         mail.example.com.       A

You would change it to:

         example.com.    MX      10      gateway.example.com.
         mail.example.com.       A
         gateway.example.com     A

That way, all mail will go to the gateway server.  The gateway server then 
scans the mail, and sends it to the existing mailserver.  By keeping the 
existing "mail.example.com" A record, people with mail clients set to 
connect to "mail.example.com" will still connect to the existing 
mailserver, so they can get their mail.

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