Hey people...
What is going to happen with this heep of dog dung.
QR version 3 with Delphi 4 is the most buggy heep of rubish I have ever come accross. Surly one can expect it to be reasonably clean a year ofter release?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am really annoyed to have to put up with this crap considering the price I payed for version 4 Client server. ie Having payed a professional price, I expect a professional product.
Surley there are others out there just as annoyed as me?
Yes I do have the latest QR update.
Yes I have swapped to Report Builder Pro, but there is still a lagacy of 3 years worth of QR effort out there for me to consider.
It is quite impossible to communicate with QR.
Each version of QR has gotten progressivly worse.
What can we do to get these Vikings of their A's and get something happening about it?
Got your ears on Annie - Ray?

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