Be aware that ABN_FULLSCREENAPP is not a windows message. It IS a message,
but it is sent to a special callback function that a taskbar sets up when it
registers itself (and it uses SHAppBarMessage to do this). For your
information, ABN_FULLSCREENAPP's value 2 (see ShellAPI.pas), which is the
same as the value of the windows message WM_DESTROY. Try firing _that_
around your system ;-).
The key seems to be that Windows seems to know when a window is being made
full screen, and handles the sending of that message to the callbacks of the
taskbar(s). As another application is creating the problem window, there
seems to be no easy solution.
MSDN suggests that creating special full screen windows (it doesnt say how)
is not recommended. It says you're better to tell the user how to select the
AutoHide property of the toolbar!
  Andrew Cooke.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Max Renshaw-Fox [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 8:44 AM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi
> Subject:      RE: [DUG]:  Change the settings of the Taskbar
> [Patrick Said]
> Have a program send the message ABN_FULLSCREENAPP setting the lparam to
> when the application goes to fullscreen and send it again with lparam set
> to
> FALSE to restore the taskbar. This will also hide/unhide any other appbars
> that
> are open on the desktop.
> For more info look up ABN_FULLSCREENAPP in the Win32 SDK help file
> []
> Or hook the message queue and respond to that
> Max
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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