
What are the complications of changing from using BDE to using ADO?

1. Are there Deployment issues? Can we expect to find ADO is just "There" or
do we need to go off at a tangent regarding deployment issues, and become
devoted upgrade trackers?.

2. Does it offer better performance and greater exposure to database

3. Would I need to do a serious application design about face, or is it
simply a matter of changing from a TDataset connection to a TADOConnection,
and TQuery to a TADOQuery?

4. Do the Crystal ball gazers see this as a lasting connection scenario

5. Initially we are only talking SQL Server 7, however, can we expect to see
ADO development for the other main stream database vendors.

6. Is there any particular good/bad things with ADO in a 3 tier application
using Midas that we need to consider?

Any comments wellcome,



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