> What are the complications of changing from using BDE to using ADO?

> 2. Does it offer better performance and greater exposure to database
> featrures?
> 3. Would I need to do a serious application design about face, or is it
> simply a matter of changing from a TDataset connection to a TADOConnection,
> and TQuery to a TADOQuery?
> 5. Initially we are only talking SQL Server 7, however, can we expect to see
> ADO development for the other main stream database vendors.

I don't nkow about this in detail but in the evaluation of D5 I'm doing I was up and
running with an ADO connection to ORACLE on my dev machine within 2-3 minutes
and conenction DataAware control willy-nilly as well as code managed queries.

Performance has been fairly comparable with BDE with no obvious problems. As part of
the evaluation I would be very, very interested in responses (from this list or other) 
to this
particular subject as BDE distribution (IS Express not installing BDE properly) has 
out largest Delphi headache for some time.

Aaron Scott-Boddendijk
Jump Productions
(07) 838-3371 Voice
(07) 838-3372 Fax

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