Quoting Tony Blomfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks for the Feedback.
> On the surface it doesn't seem like a hell of a lot of strong reasons to
> change technology from the dog ya know to the one ya dont..  I'd really
> like
> to hear some compelling reasons to do it.

The most compelling reason that I can see is that Access, SQL server are MS 
products and are often being bundled in with systems. Clients will want their 
stuff to work with the MS bundle rather than forking out for another system, 
and they will want to have a single source of supply for all their system 
support (hardware, network, database servers)

> On the surface so far, It looks like ADO just does what the BDE does - no
> more no less, but reading the MSDN stuff on it, it seems to me that the
> Transport is more efficient? There is a hell of a lot in the MSDN to wade
> through on this topic.
> On the other hand, the BDE has a good track record (for me anyway) for at
> least 8 years now, but the rumour is that BDE5.10 is the last.....

I never liked the Access driver that came with BDE 4.x and up. The first driver 
was quite buggy. It supposedly improved in 4.5 but not enough. That really 
turned me off the BDE native drivers for Access. Now I'm told 5.1 improves on 
this but I've lost interest. Adonis when I played with it was fast and 
reliable. I know which I would prefer now. Why have the BDE talking to Access 
or whatever when your app can talk more or less directly with ADO?

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