Neven MacEwan wrote:
> Delphi/Kylix is still my first choice for Graphical App Development and the
> recent
> thread on Free Pascal/Lazarus only reinforces that choice (if it was a load
> of crap why would people copy it)

Sorry Neven, just couldn't resist this one.

VHS vs BetaMax, PC vs Mac vs Amiga (don't even want to go there), etc. ad
nauseum.  People aren't, on the whole, terribly discerning in what they
accept.  There's far too much of whim and impulse, not to mention marketing,

Not saying that I disagree with your opinions of Delphi - I think it's
great, especially when they drop a C++ compiler on top of it :)

Guess self.state.Contains(ssArgumentative) = true at the moment :>

Corey Murtagh
The Electric Monk
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur!"
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