> Then explain to me (if you need to drop to technical details, please do),
> why is Java+Swing so damn slow on "normal" PCs, sure, once the P4 is

Hm, OK, lets seperate this just a little:

Java is not slow, especially using the new 1.3 JVM's with the HotSpot
compiler. It is a little resource hungry, but you can run a small-ish java
app (not swing) in 32 meg quite happily.
Swing, however, can be a total dog, and I think (and Richard could/should
correct me here) that its inherant in its design and implementation - its
100% java - it uses (pretty much) 3 functions of the OS:

draw pixel
draw line
display text

try running JBuilder on a PC (eg, a 400mhz PII with 128meg) - it runs OK.
run it on a linux box with 384meg and a PIII 550 over a 1meg DDS line
(dedicated - used it as a test before we used it for traffic) and its
totally usless. You can SEE it drawing the dots, lines etc.

also, remember that JBuilder is a HUGE product - there is (at a guess)
1.5-2x the functionallity in it than is in Delphi - its not a small product.
I discover a new thing in it about 2x/week.

I think JB4 is an example of what swing should be like, but its taken a LOT
of work to get it to that point. Text-mode java apps, especially backend
servers, are very fast tho - both running and to develop.

Ob.Offtopic: I just got back into doing 3 tier (EJB in this case)
development, after doing a Delphi project followed by a Java 2 tier web
app - damn its nice to have the distinction between the tiers, it just makes
more sense to me. Pity I have to go back to the 2 tier java app on monday.

There again, I'm running Outlook Express here, and its using 15meg just
writing 1 email!!! I guess for me, the trade off between development time
and abstraction (eg, OO methods), and runtime resources make it worth using
Java for me - my time over 3 months + a bigger box is less than my time over
6 months + a smaller box.

> I thought the whole idea of java/thin client technology was so we didn't
> NEED high end boxen on the desktop....   or do people just see "thin

you dont - its called a browser. Except they have gotten so bloted that you
need a huge box to run them on anyway.

> client" as a development 'model' now, using n-tier, and just not care
> about desktop bloat?

Nope, most of the time I dont care about the desktop, period - its a server
spitting out HTML, whats displaying it is no concern of mine (assuming the
HTML is correct :) )


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