Got this app that I just installed in Vista and noticed something weird.

If I open the task manager, then open my application I see that it starts off with using 40mb of ram, then if I close it right away, it closes on screen, but in the task manager it stays open and starts using all the cpu.

Now, if I rename the file from a.exe to b.exe, when I start it it uses 4mb of ram, and when it close it, it actually closes.

Windows XP has no problems with this, it's just a pretty standard application. One of my other programs doesn't have this issue. Tried this user two separate users on the machine, same fault.

If im not free'ing something up properly then I would expect it to still happen when I rename the file to b.exe
(note, when I rename it back from b.exe to a.exe the fault happens again).


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