I am an outside observer of Web development as I don't personally do it 
either, but interested to find the "best practice tools" to pick up, as its 
such a promising area for the future.   I guess like a lot of Delphi 
programmers, if we are going to pick up web development (and seems to be the 
mainstream for the future) we are naturally biased towards something as 
powerful, great IDE and well designed language as we have been blessed with 
in Delphi.

* Have heard  comments in the past that the best "state of the Art IDE" is 
some of the Java ones (ie better than Visual Studio or Delphi)

* Haven't seen anyone comment on Ruby yet

* Web development is certainly an area where the open source and free tools 
are often equal to or ahead of the commercial tools

* Open source tools starting with HTML editing like Kompozer are often well 
integrated with W3C standards (including validating HTML code).   The W3C 
site is an excellent starting reference for good standards.

* Waiting for comments from people like Gary B and others who have done very 
comprehensive PHP projects, for which there are very extensive frameworks 
out there.   They seem to be able to turn out large systems with ease and 
speed of development comparable to Delphi, including excellent controls, 
Ajax, web commerce and ordering modules, and of course as good integration 
with Firebird as Delphi has.

* I had the impression that the various extensions to Firefox (Firebug, 
Greasemonkey, Javascript viewers, error console etc) have generally been 
thought to be the best tools for web developers in browsers.  Don't know 
much as don't personally use these much, but being involved on the Firefox 
development forum I know they are redoing these tools constantly - the View 
HTML Source etc are getting makeovers at the moment.   Latest Firefox is a 
joy to use btw (V7.0a1 alpha nightly build - yes its 3 versions ahead). 
All the latest browsers (ie9, Firefox, Opera, Chrome) seem to be rewriting 
the state of the art constantly which is a great thing.


>>>>> "Jolyon" == Jolyon Smith <jsm...@deltics.co.nz> writes:

    Jolyon> "Inspect Element" is good for seeing what HTML you or your
    Jolyon> framework has spat out, but it doesn't help you spit out
    Jolyon> the right HTML in the first place.

I think you're probably using tools like:

  print "<p>hello</p>";

to write your HTML :-)

But on the specifics of checking your HTML: check the W3C validator
service. Install Pendule if you're using chrome and such checks are
just a click away.

All the best,

Berend de Boer

          Awesome Drupal hosting: https://www.xplainhosting.com/
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