Hi folks!

Back to work after being sick for a week. I think it's time to start hacking on 

But before we do so, I'd like to clarify a few basic things

a.) package names

I'd suggest 

> org.apache.deltaspike.core.* 

for our core stuff

> org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.* 

for JPA

> org.apache.deltaspike.jsf.jsf12.* 

for JSF-1.2

> org.apache.deltaspike.jsf.jsf20.* 

for JSF-2.0, etc

In general most of our project parts will contain the following 3 sub- parts

*) api - the parts meant to be imported in customer projects with Maven 

*) impl - does the actual work, not intended to be used in customer projects 
diretly. Thus Maven <scope>runtime only.

*) spi - parts meant to be used for extending the default functionality. Up for 
discussion, not sure if we really need it! This might also be done directly in 
impl, users can still 

Matze mentioned that he doesn't like to have 'api' in the package name. What do 
you like to use instead to distinguish between those? Having an own package 
name probably makes it easier to use the maven-shade-plugin. Any opinions?

Are there any Class naming conventions/rules you like to introduce? Pros, cons?


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