On Sat, 2017-01-14 at 12:39 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> Am 13.01.2017 um 23:21 schrieb Richard Shann:
> > On Fri, 2017-01-13 at 21:23 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> > (did I send that version?), but they have to be dragged into
> position
> > graphically.
> I did notice that the augmenta were messed up, but I thought that I
> might have missed some lilypond directive to use in such cases. Now I
> know that is a problem of lilypond. Thank you for investigating.

I've been thinking a little bit about all this. It seems to me that
setting Gregorian Chant is quite different from the sort of thing that
people often want to do with regular notation. In regular notation a
score can often comprise thousands of individual bars (for all the
parts, movements etc) and a bug like that would be critical.

But for Gregorian Chant it is only ever going to be a relatively short
piece of music. So such a bug could be worked around with some markup
and not be a killer.
That consideration also means getting the most efficient method of
inputting stuff is not so crucial. Something easy to pick up for an
occasional task would be better than something that is only efficient
once you have learnt a set of shortcuts etc.

I noticed that once I inserted the flexa pair of notes from the snippet
putting the cursor on the first note and typing the note names added the
pitches, so this could be a technique even for those without MIDI
keyboard. For chant it would be good to have a command to add the pitch
and move left for this - like the MIDI keyboard input does. The standard
a, b, c ... shortcuts could do this, and a Quit button in the Gregorian
Palette could reload the standard meaning for those shortcuts.

Perhaps you could design the way that input could be done to be easy to
pick up and use, and give reasonable feedback in the Display?


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