Am 16.01.2017 um 18:52 schrieb Richard Shann:
> On Sun, 2017-01-15 at 19:34 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
>>> Perhaps you could design the way that input could be done to be easy
>> to
>>> pick up and use, and give reasonable feedback in the Display?
>> What comes to my mind is the following: It is easiest to separate note
>> input and input of the special features such as ligatures. An easy
>> approach would be: select two notes, click on a button on the
>> Gregorian
>> palette, e.g. flexa, and everything is set up correctly, i.e. add
>> ligature directives and the flexa directive in the above example.
> Well, here is a sample script that does that - better it allows you to
> enter two punctae and then hit flexa and it does the selection of the
> two notes for you.
> (let ((tag "Flexa"))
> (if (and (not (d-HasSelection)) (d-PrevChord))
>       (begin
>               (d-SetMark)
>               (d-NextChord)
>               (d-SetPoint)))
> (if (MoveToSelectionBeginningInThisStaff)
>       (begin
>               (d-DirectivePut-chord-prefix tag "\\[ ")
>               (d-DirectivePut-chord-postfix tag "\\flexa ")
>               (d-DirectivePut-chord-display tag "fl--")
>               (d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag 16)
>               (if (d-NextChord)
>                       (begin
>                               (d-DirectivePut-chord-postfix tag "\\]  ")
>                               (d-DirectivePut-chord-display tag "--]")
>                               (d-DirectivePut-chord-override tag 16)))
>                               (d-MoveCursorRight)
>               (d-SetSaved #f))
>       (d-WarningDialog (_ "You must select two notes"))))
> Richard

Thank you very much, that's great!


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