Niclas wrote:

> Let us start the discussion around Avalon Repository, and see if something
> be learnt from it (over at Avalon we are pretty pleased with it).
> I hope you can digest this info a bit. The important Avalon crowd, Aaron,
> Stephen, Alex and myself, have expressed a wish to move Repository
> functionality into Depot, and get Depot out of Incubator and get proper
> releases out. Personally, I think Depot importance is big enough to
> a TLP.

I've not been responding 'cos I've been trying to absorb & evaluate. I am
finding this thread compelling. I like a lot of what I read here.

We called Depot -- not Ruper/Greebo (original source code) -- 'cos we wanted
to be open to accept outside influences (primarily Avalon's, also Wagon's,
whatever), and reading this I'm glad we did. We need input/help/drive like

My thoughts are these... Ruper was based upon the concept that we "query a
repository for latest/best fit" and download that. Not download version X
from http://Y (one can do that with a simple <ant <get (HTTP GET)) but pick
the latest 'fit', and download that. Basically, that is my passion w/ a
download tool -- don't let the developer stagnate on older jars if there is
a compatible beter one. For details see:

That said, I think we've got too much code for a simple problem & I think
that is hindering us. [My first passion being version,, it brings a bunch of baggage
that may or may not help Depot Update.] I think we need to maintain the goal
we have, but also supprot the simple straight-forward 'download this'. There
is enough (simple by needed) work there with MD5 checks, and maybe
click-through acceptance of licenses.

I'd be interesting in collaborating to keep parts of Depot, and integrate
with Avalon's code. I think that bringing fresh eyes into the code (and onto
the problem) would force us (Depot) to focus and clean-up the docs/designs
(on Wiki). I think a joint goal -- with joint use cases -- could really work
this out to something practical. Yes, I'd be very interested in that.

BTW: So Magic can use Ant tasks, is that it? I've read about it (in mails)
but I hadn't registered that. Interesting.



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